Thursday, June 6, 2013

 In full: Excellent, meticulous organisation, beautiful course and great, friendly atmosphere. Well done Dodgers! I

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About Peter Diamandis's New York Times 
Hardcover Besteller Abundance

Peter H. Diamandis' first book Abundance:The Future Is Better Than You Think (written with Steven Kotler) shot to the top of theNew York Times Best Seller List hitting #2, and has remained on that list for more than 8 weeks. The book also hit #1 on Amazon and #1 on Barnes and Noble.
Abundance sold over 15,000 copies in the first week, and over 50,000 in the first two month.
The book received advance praise from top authors and global business leaders (see next page) as well rave reviews from The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, the Economist, Christian Science Monitor and CNN to name a few.

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Li Ching-Yuen, The Amazing 250 Year-Old Man

When the Chinese herbalist Li Ching-Yuen died in 1933, newspapers around the world reported the news of his passing. According to his own testimony, he was 197 years old.
An investigation, however, suggested Li had forgotten his actual birthday. Official government records recorded the birth year as 1677, making him 256. Here is a copy of the obituary as printed in the New York Times on May 6, 1933:


“Keep a Quiet Heart, Sit Like a Tortoise, Sleep Like a Dog,” His Advice for a Long Life.
Li Ching-Yuen
Li Ching-Yuen
Scientific research Put his Age At 256.
He was reported to have buried 23 wives and had 180 descendents – sold herbs for first 100 years.
Peiping, May 5 – Li Ching-Yun, a resident of Kaihsien, in the Province of Szechwan, who contended that he was one of the world’s oldest men and said he was born in 1736 – which would make him 197 years old – died today.
A Chinese dispatch from Chungking telling of Mr. Li’s death said he attributed his longevity to peace of mind and that it was his belief every one could live at least a century by attaining inward calm.
Compared with estimates of Li Ching-yun’s age in previous reports from China the above dispatch is conservative. In 1930 it was said Professor Wu Chung-chien, dean of the department of Education in Minkuo University, had found records showing Li was born in 1677 and that Imperial Chinese Government congratulated him on his 150th and 200th birthdays.
"What I am about to share with you,  is what I have learned since 2005, when due to a bad infection in my right leg and subsequent amputation, I started using nutrition as a natural health alternative to Pharmaceutical drugs. If you only use 10% of the information I am going to include in this article, it will add many healthy years to your life, and keep you "Coffin Dodging" for a long time, effectively "Keeping the Grim Reaper Weeping".Applying these hints will save you a gigantic amount of pain and misery, it will also save you a bucket load of money...
You most certainly can never do this, or get the healthy years I speak of, or have longevity and live to your genetically calibrated potential by doing everything just as you have been doing before and expecting to get different results to the ones that got your health into a mess in the first place,
 Your landing on my page was partially due to curiosity, but your'e still reading up to this point, by now, you should surely start to realize that a better, longer life must be possible." Who wants to live for ever", the song goes, and I would have agreed with that statement prior to 2005 when I was using chronic pharmaceutical drugs. No my friend, it's an insane person who keeps doing things the same way but expect different results, you have to do  things differently.
My main purpose is to convince you that it's worth doing these things. I am going to start out by convincing you that Your genetic potential is 120-140 years of healthy life. In as many as 5 different world cultures there are people who are living to be 140 years old.
50% Of The Secret
*  60 minerals
* 16 vitamins
 * 12 essential amino acids or protein building-blocks
*   3 essential fatty acids.

They are the 90 nutrients in your daily diet, without which, you are going to get a deficiency disease, guaranteed. Today if you ask people if they take vitamins, they say, "Oh yeah, I take Tums." Because that's what they hear all the time. Again, you need 90 nutrients if you are going to make it. But the newspapers know, and the magazines and TV and radio knows, that we are interested in health and longevity and supplements, so they all talk to us.Not because the medical profession has asked them to do that in their stead, the medical profession doesn't say, "Hey, we're so busy saving people with surgery and chemotherapy and radiation and pharmaceuticals, would you please educate the people on nutrition?" They do it because it sells newspapers.

Between 1776 and the first world war, the US government spent 80 million dollars on health care and health care research and studies. This is the amount that the citizens have paid doctors back then.   Right now US citizens are paying a whopping 1.2 trillion dollars a year for healthcare. And it's free!
We all know it's free, right?  It's not free, but we're supposed to believe it's free, and everybody wants more of it. Well let me tell you, if we used a human type medical system for the agricultural industry and the livestock, hamburgers would cost $275 a pound. On the other hand, if you use the agricultural health system that is being used in animals for humans, your monthly insurance premiums for a family of 5 would be $10 per month. You take your choice.

Secret Formula For Longevity, Revealed.
All humans need 90 nutrients in total in our daily diet, 60 minerals, 16 vitamins,12 essential amino acids and we need 3 essential fatty acids,  otherwise, we almost certainly are going to get a deficiency disease. If we don't get them in complete numbers and in  optimal amounts...
Doctor Li's Recipe For Long Life
Izumi, a sugar cane farmer, spent his entire life on a remote coral Island. When asked about his longevity, he ascribed it to living a simple life and to never overdoing things.On his 120th birthday he also credited his daily glass of schochu a local white rum with keeping him young. When his doctor advised him to stop drinking, he replied; "Without schochu there would be no pleasure in life. I would rather die than give up drinking".
Apart from his striking peace of mind, Izumi's longevity can probably be ascribed to two reasons: he worked physically hard all his life and continued taking exercise well into his old age; he started each day with a stroll and weeded his vegetable garden. In addision to this, he always ate a typical Japanese diet, low in fats, with large quantities of fish, and in particular, mackerel which is a fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vegetables. He ate very little meat.Throughout his life it is notable, that he had suffered very few illnesses, his first heart attack was at 114 years of age.
 Off course there were other contenders since him, laying claim to the title of "oldest man in recent history", but his was the highest documented case to date. However when looking back to the 1400's, Izumi's age pales by comparison as a certain Thomas Parr, born at Winnington, Shropshire in England in 1483 had lived to the RIPE old age of 152 years! An agricultural labourer, his typical diet would have consisted of: course bread, cheese, vegetables and ale. He is reputed to have gotten married at long last, to his first wife, Jane Taylor at age 80 years. Jane gave birth to a son and a daughter, who had unfortunately died in infancy.